Empowering Creativity Through Online Classes

Join our community of aspiring graphic designers, video editors, and UI/UX designers to learn and grow together. Unlock your creative potential with our interactive online courses.




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UA Special Courses

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Bruce's advanced UX/UI course for a comprehensive understanding of real-world projects and the business nature of design, providing you with the tools and knowledge to excel in the field. You'll have the opportunity to learn from an expert with over 8 years of experience in the field.

250,000 189,000 Ks


250,000 Ks

Weekend / 6 to 7:30 PM

Instructor BRUCE

Instructor BRUCE

Weekend / 8 to 9:30 PM

Weekend / 8 to 9:30 PM

Former senior editor of Myanmar Idol, Skynet, Shwe Report, and more, is offering a video editing course with over 10 years of industry experience. She is dedicated to sharing her expertise with students, focusing on modern video editing skills and how to create attractive videos. In addition, she covers the dos and don'ts of social media video formats.

Instructor MA THEL

200,000 Ks 150,000 Ks

July Toe, with 10 years of experience in graphic design, marketing, and producing, offers a brief course on graphic design. This course will provide students with valuable insights and practical skills in the field of graphic design. With July's extensive experience in graphic design agencies, marketing, and production, students can expect to learn from a seasoned professional in the industry.

200,000 Ks 129,000 Ks

Weekend / 8 to 9:30 PM

Bruce, founder of Future Now Branding Agency, brings over 8 years of industry experience to our brand identity design course. With a proven track record of working with multiple high-profile clients, Bruce is dedicated to sharing his expertise and knowledge with aspiring designers.

300,000 Ks 220,000 Ks

WED &THU / 8 to 9:30 PM

Instructor BRUCE

Instructor JULY TOE


Students' Featured Works

Explore various design courses offered by our academy online.