Our Instructors
Our instructors have an average of 10 years of industry experience in their respective fields. We have carefully selected and assembled a team of experts to help unleash your potential. With their wealth of knowledge and practical experience, our instructors are dedicated to providing you with the skills and guidance needed to succeed in your chosen field. Whether it's in business, technology, or creative arts, our instructors are passionate about sharing their expertise with you. Join us and let our instructors help you reach your full potential.

Former Senior Editor of Myanmar Idol, Skynet and Shwe Report Media
Former senior editor of Myanmar Idol, Skynet, Shwe Report, and more, is offering a video editing course with over 10 years of industry experience. She is dedicated to sharing her expertise with students, focusing on modern video editing skills and how to create attractive videos. In addition, she covers the dos and don'ts of social media video formats.
Bruce, founder of Future Now Branding Agency, brings over 8 years of industry experience to our UX UI and brand identity design course. With a proven track record of working with multiple high-profile clients, Bruce is dedicated to sharing his expertise and knowledge with aspiring designers.